学术报告:Quantum effect in avian magnetoreception


报告人:蔡建明博士 (奥地利因斯布鲁克大学)

报告时间: 16日上午1000



报告摘要:Recently, there is increasing interest in quantum biology namely investigating quantum effects
in chemical and biological systems. The main motivation is to understand how quantum
coherence (entanglement) may be exploited for the accomplishment of biological functions. The
ultimate goal of practical interest in studying quantum biology is to learn from nature and design highly efficient
devices that can mimic biological systems in order to complete important tasks, e.g. collecting solar energy
and detecting weak magnetic field.

As an example of quantum biology, the radical pair mechanism is an intriguing hypothesis to explain the
ability of some species to respond to weak magnetic fields, e.g. birds, fruit flies, and plants.
We have studied quantum entanglement and its role in a chemical compass. We propose to use quantum control and nano structures to probe quantum entanglement and affect the performance of chemical compass. New design principles for a hybrid metallic-organic chemical compass have also been suggested.

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