学术报告:III/Ge MOS: a new world from the perspective of technology S-curve


报告人:Dr. Wei-E Wang,IMEC,Kapeldreef 76, B-3001, Leuven, Belgium

Wei-E Wang finished his university study in Tching Hua University in Taiwan. In 1993, he received his Ph. D in Nuclear Engineering Department in University of California at Berkeley. In 2003he followed also a management program Production Creation and Innovative Manufacturing” in Management and Engineering Department in Stanford University. From 1993 to 1999, he was a postdoctoral researcher associate and lecturer in the Nuclear Engineering Department ar UC-Berkeley. In 1999, he started his career in Intel as D2 TF/CVD group manager, in 2010, Thin Film Functional Area Manager. From 2001 to 3003, he worked as the manager of INTEL’s Flash Technology Manufacturing Engineering group and fab support group. From 2004 to 2005, he worked as the manager of NOR Flash 200mm and 300mm conversation tool planning manager. From 2005 to 2007, he was INTEL/D2 TD quality manager. From 2008 to 2011, he is working in IMEC as project manager for advanced III-V/Ge CMOS development.Dr. Wang has published 73 scientific papers, and invented 6 patents. He is the Chair of CSTIC TF/ET/EP symposium.


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