学术报告:Anomalous Josephson Effect in s-wave superconductor junctions


报告人:Prof. K. S. Chan
单位: City University of HongKong, HongKong
日期:4月20日 (星期三) 下午 3:00

摘要:In usual Josephson junctions, the supercurrent is zero, when the two superconducting leads have zero phase difference. In 2008 and 2009, three theoretical studies were reported in PRL on the anomalous Josephson effect in s-wave Josephson junctions. In this effect, a supercurrent flow exists in the junction even when the superconducting leads have zero phase difference. There is a disagreement among these studies regarding the necessary conditions for the existence of the anomalous effect. In this seminar I will present our study of the existence conditions from the symmetry point of view. I will also present our study of the anomalous supercurrent in a FM trilayer Josephson junction, which is found to be the result of the triplet pairing created by spin rotation in the FM layers.

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