学术报告:Whither quantum computing?


报告人:Barry C. Sanders

单位:Institute for Quantum Information ScienceUniversity of Calgary, Canada



摘要:The quantum computer is the ultimate in quantum technology: revolutionizing computer science by transforming otherwise intractable problems into efficiently solvable problems but requiring exquisite levels of quantum control with only the minutest tolerance of decoherence. I will use animated movies to explain how a quantum computer would function and explain our efforts to realize quantum computing on the surface of silicon. Then I will discuss our work on efficient algorithms for simulating Hamiltonian evolution on a quantum computer in the spirit of the first proposed application of a quantum computer by Richard Feynman.

报告人:Barry C. Sanders教授是加拿大卡尔加里大学(University of Calgary)的物理教授,同时他也是iCOREInformation Circle of research Excellence)量子信息科学研究部的主席、卡尔加里大学量子信息研究院的主任,澳大利亚Macquarie University的荣誉教授;此外他还是美国物理教育顾问委员会委员,Physical Review ANew Journal of PhysicsOptics Communications Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences等国际一流物理学学术杂志的主编。Barry C. Sanders教授因其在量子极限测量,高非经典光,实用量子密码以及光量子信息处理等方面的开创性工作而在学术界享有盛名,以研究量子极限测量,量子密码和量子信息的光学实现而闻名,在国际顶尖学术期刊包括:Science, Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters等发表学术论文300余篇,专业学术会议上邀请作大会报告和论文宣读多达90余次, h因子高达31,并拥有两项美国专利。


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