研究生学术报告:Connectivity of iron-based superconductor studied by experiment and numerical simulation



Connectivity of iron-based superconductor studied by experiment and numerical simulation

报告  人:  悦 博士生

    师:施智祥 教    授



    This lecture covers the application mechanism and electronic behavior of new discovered iron-based superconductor, focusing mainly on the connectivity and its effect on the critical current density. Initially, the superconductivity as well as the discovery of the iron-based superconductor will be briefly reviewed and then the talk will discuss: (1) coexistence of the strong and weak links discovered by magnetic and transport critical current density study (2) a model coexistence of strong and weak links was proposed and proved by the flux creep calculation (3) anomalous tail effect on resistivity transition discovered in iron-based superconductor and the numerical simulation (4) pairing mechanism and electronic behavior of superconducting SmFeAsO0.75 and Sc5Ir4Si10. 



孙悦,男,198510月出生,东南大学物理系在读博士(硕博连读)。2011年获教育部博士生学术新人奖,江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助,东南大学优秀博士论文基金资助(Grant No. YBJJ1104),目前参入国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)中的高温超导材料与物理研究(2011CBA00105),正式发表第一作者SCI论文4篇。




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