12月21日学术报告:Oxygen annealing effects of Fe(Te, Se) single crystals


v题目:Oxygen annealing effects of Fe(Te, Se) single crystals
v主讲人:T. Tamegai
v单位:Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo
Professor Tsuyoshi Tamegai Department of Applied Physics, the University of Tokyo, Japan. The mainly research field of Professor Tamegai is superconductivity. Up to now, Professor Tamegai has published scientific papers more than 350, including 4 nature, 1 nature materials, and 27 Physical Review Letters. The total citations is over 5500.

v摘要: Iron-chalcogenide superconductor Fe(Te, Se) has the simplest structure among all iron-based superconductors. Yet, its superconducting properties except for TC is not very much reproducible. This is partly due to the fact that the as-grown crystals of Fe(Te, Se) is not superconducting, and post annealing is important to induce superconductivity. We found that annealing in a controlled oxygen atmosphere is very important to induce superconductivity in this system. I will discuss the mechanism of inducing superconductivity and vortex dynamics in the well-characterized Fe(Te, Se) single crystals.

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