

南京大学物理系, 固体微结构国家实验室

主讲人简介:闻海虎教授是教育部长江教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者。长期从事超导和低温物理研究,在高温超导体磁通动力学,高温超导机理问题和非常规超导材料合成和物理性质研究方面获得一批重要成果。目前任南京大学教授,博士生导师,南京大学超导物理和材料研究中心主任,Physica C、 《物理》杂志和Chinese Physics Letters 的编委。2000年获得中国青年科技奖,2004年获得国家自然科学二等奖(第一获奖人),2009年获得香港求是杰出成就集体奖,2010年获得华人物理学会亚洲成就奖,科技部目标导向性超导973项目“高温超导材料和物理研究”首席科学家,加拿大国家高等研究计划远东区代表。在包括Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters 在内的SCI 杂志上发表论文 300 余篇,引用达到5000余次,h-index 38, 在国内外会议上作邀请报告近百场。

报告摘要:In this talk I will briefly overview the structural types of the iron based superconductors. I will present the transport, magnetic and thermodynamics data to show that the iron pnictude superconductors have quite small anisotropy, high upper critical fields and strong vortex pinning. I will also present the data from the tunneling spectrum and magnetic force microscopy to show the vortex lattice and the related configurations of the pinning centers. Finally I will give some perspectives on the application of the iron based superconductors.

In collaboration with Huang Yang, Bing Shen, Zhengyu wang, Xiaxin Ding


1. Zhenyu Wang, Huan Yang, Delong Fang, Bing Shen, Qiang-HuaWang, Lei Shan, Chenglin Zhang, Pengcheng Dai and Hai-HuWen. Nature Physics 9, 42(2013). DOI: 10.1038/NPhys2478.

2. Huan Yang, Bing Shen, Zhenyu Wang, Lei Shan, Cong Ren, and Hai-Hu Wen. Phys. Rev. B 85, 014524 (2012).

2. Shan, Lei, Wang, Yong-Lei, Shen, Bing, Zeng, Bin Huang, Yan, Li, Ang, Wang, Da, Yang, Huan, Ren, Cong, Wang, Qiang-Hua, Pan, Shuheng H. Wen, Hai-Hu, Nature Physics 7, 325(2011).

3. Bing Shen, Peng Cheng, Zhaosheng Wang, et al. Phys. Rev. B 81, 014503 (2010).

4. Zhao-Sheng Wang, Hui-Qian Luo, Cong Ren, Hai-Hu Wen Phys. Rev. B78, 140501(R) (2008).

5. Huan Yang, Cong Ren, Lei Shan, Hai-Hu Wen, Phys. Rev. B78, 092504 (2008).

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