11月15日学术报告:Perovskite Oxides: New Research Directions


标题: Perovskite Oxides: New Research Directions
演讲人: 王峻岭,副教授
单位: 新加坡南洋理工大学,材料科学与工程学院
邀请人: 董帅
时间: 2013年11月15日,周五下午2点30
地点: 田家炳楼南203

欢迎各位老师、同学参加!    如果需要报告后进一步交流,请与董帅联系。

摘要:Perovskite oxides possess a wide spectrum of unique properties
such as ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, CMR and even
superconductivity. They have been extensively studied during the past
decades for both fundamental physics and applications. So the question
is: is there anything new that worth studying in this field?

In this talk, I will briefly introduce two interesting topics that we
have been working on recently. (1) For ferroelectric materials, we
propose to use the ferroelectric photovoltaic effect as a sensing method
in the ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM). It can detect the
stored information (polarization direction) nondestructively with
minimal energy cost. (2) For CMR materials, we have observed a new phase
in ultra-thin LSMO film with intrinsic anisotropy in the transport
behavior. Further study indicates that it is likely caused by the
anisotropic occupancy of the O 2p orbitals. This may lead to better
understanding of electron behavior in the strongly correlated systems.

1, “Non-volatile memory based on ferroelectric photovoltaic effect”, Rui
Guo, Lu You, Yang Zhou, Zhi Shiuh Lim, Xi Zou, Lang Chen, R. Ramesh,
Junling Wang*, Nature Communications, 4:1990 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2990 (2013)
2,"Oxygen Driven Anisotropic Transport in Ultra-thin Manganite Films",
Baomin Wang, Lu You, Peng Ren, Xinmao Yin, Yuan Peng, Bin Xia, Lan Wang,
Xiaojiang Yu, Sock Mui Poh, Ping Yang, Guoliang Yuan, Lang Chen, Andrivo
Rusydi* and Junling Wang*, Nature Communications, accepted (2013).
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