ISO Abbrev. Title | Number of Papers; Impact Factors; 5-Year Impact Factor | ISO Abbrev. Title | Number of Papers; Impact Factors; 5-Year Impact Factor |
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces | 3; 7.145; 7.332 | ACS Nano | 1; 13.334; 14.486 |
Adv. Mater. | 1; 18.96; 18.862 | APL Mater. | 1; 4.323; 4.326 |
Appl. Phys. Lett. | 3; 3.142; 3.293 | Chem. Mat. | 1; 9.407; 9.363 |
J. Phys. Chem. C | 1; 4.509; 4.919 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. | 1; 8.539; 7.803 |
Nano Lett. | 1; 13.779; 14.867 | Nanoscale | 3; 7.760; 7.915 |
Nanotechnology | 1; 3.573; 3.611 | Nat. Commun. | 1; 11.329; 12.001 |
Opt. Express | 3; 3.148; 3.250 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. | 3; 4.449; 4.273 |
Phys. Rev. A | 4; 2.765; 2.598 | Phys. Rev. B | 5; 3.718; 3.513 |
Phys. Rev. C | 2; 3.146; 3.057 | Phys. Rev. D | 1;4.506; 3.805 |
Phys. Rev. E | 2; 2.252; 2.233 | Phys. Rev. Lett. | 2;7.645; 7.326 |
RSC Adv. | 2; 3.289; 3.485 | Sci. Rep. | 5; 5.228; 5.525 |
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.-Comput. Mol. Sci. | 1; 10.234; 12.505 |
The 2015 JCR journal impact factors are shown for reference.