12月26日上午10:00学术报告:SIDIS Program at Jefferson Lab -- Interactions between experiment and theory


学术报告: SIDIS Program at Jefferson Lab -- Interactions between experiment and theory

报告人: 刘天博 博士 (Jefferson Lab and Duke University)



地点: 田家炳楼南203



摘要: Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) is one of the main processes to study transverse momentum dependent parton distributions and nucleon spin structures. Explorations have been made during last two decades. SIDIS experiments in multiple halls at 12 GeV upgraded JLab aim at unprecedented precise measurements of quark three dimensional distributions in the valence region. Global analyses including the projected data indicate the precision of TMD extractions can be improved by about one order of magnitude. A close collaboration between theorists and experimentalists is required to achieve this goal. The full theoretical framework of SIDIS is still far from a satisfactory level. Here we discuss about the power correction, which has significant contributions to low energy SIDIS experiments. Other effects such as high order corrections and threshold resummations may also be important. On the other hand, the analysis tool should be ready for the upcoming data. We develop a global analysis toolkit for TMD extractions based on the nest sampling algorithm to have more realistic estimation of fitting uncertainties. Experimentally, analyzed data are expected to give a faithful representation of nature. A laboratory directed research and development program is approved planning to construct the first universal Monte Carlo event generator using machine learning techniques to minimize theoretical bias during the data analysis. Experiences we will learn from JLab-12 SIDIS program can be applied to future EIC physics programs.


报告人简介: 刘天博,20107月获北京大学物理学学士学位,20157月获北京大学理论物理博士学位。随后在杜克大学和Jefferson实验室从事强子物理理论和实验的博士后研究。主要研究领域为核子自旋结构,部分子三维分布,光锥量子色动力学;并参与了JLabSoLID强子物理实验项目。在PRL, PRD等杂志共发表论文20余篇。


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