


报告人:任文才 研究员 (中国科学院金属研究所)

时间:1030日 上午 1000





摘要:Graphene films are essentially important to enable the excellent in-plane properties of graphene being utilized to the maximum extent at macroscopic scale, which can be directly grown by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) or assembled from graphene/graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets. In this talk, I will first introduce grain size and number of layers control, doping and clean transfer of CVD-grown graphene films and demonstrate their applications for flexible OLEDs. Then, I will introduce the synthesis of GO-based films with controlled alignment and compaction, and demonstrate their applications for high-performance nanofiltration membranes, super-strong and highly conductive papers, electromagnetic interference shielding membranes, and flexible supercapacitors with record volumetric energy density.


1. W.C. Ren, H.M. Cheng, Nature Nanotechnology, 9 (2014) 724.

2. L.B. Gao, W.C. Ren, H.M. Cheng, et al., Nature Communications, 3 (2012) 699.

3. T. Ma, W.C. Ren, F. Ding, H.M. Cheng, et al., PNAS, 110 (2013) 20386.

4. T. Ma, H.M. Cheng, W.C. Ren, et al., Nature Communications, 8 (2017) 14486.

5. W. Ma, H.M. Cheng, W.C. Ren, et al., Nature Communications, 10 (2019) 2809.

6. T. Zhao, C. Xu, W. Ma, H. M. Cheng, W.C. Ren, et al., Nature Communications, 10 (2019) 4854.

7. Z.K. Zhang, J.H. Du, H.M. Cheng, W.C. Ren, et al., Nature Communications, 8 (2017) 14560.

8.S.F. Pei, Q.W. Wei, H.M. Cheng, W.C. Ren, et al., Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 145.

9.K.H. Thebo, X.T. Qian, H.M. Cheng, W.C. Ren, et al., Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 1486.

10.J. Zhong, H.M. Cheng, W.C. Ren, et al., Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 3484.


报告人简介:任文才,中国科学院金属研究所研究员,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。主要从事石墨烯等二维材料的制备及其在光电、储能、复合材料等领域的应用研究。在Nature Materials等期刊发表SCI论文130多篇,被SCI引用22,000多次,是材料领域高被引学者;获授权发明专利40余项(含4项国际专利),2项已产业化。曾获国家自然科学二等奖(20172006)、何梁何利基金科学与技术创新奖、辽宁省自然科学一等奖、中国青年科技奖、中国科学院青年科学家奖等奖项,并入选了科技部创新人才推进计划中青年科技创新领军人才和国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才。

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