(2025-01-09) Seminar: Mikhail Alfimov -- On renormalization group flow and dual description of 2D deformed integrable sigma models


Title: On renormalization group flow and dual description of 2D deformed integrable sigma models

Speaker: Mikhail Alfimov

Affiliation: HSE University, Russia (俄罗斯国家研究型高等经济大学)

Time: 14:00-15:30, Thursday, January 9th, 2025 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

Venue: Room 1502, Shing-Tung Yau Center, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing(东南大学四牌楼校区逸夫建筑馆丘成桐中心1502室)

Inviter: Yunfeng Jiang (江云峰)


There exist several known examples of integrable deformations of 2D sigma models, which admit so-called dual description in terms of Toda-like theories. For such deformations there exists the system of screening charges depending on continuous parameter b, which defines the deformed sigma model in the limit b to infinity and a certain Toda QFT in the limit b to zero. In the latter regime one can see that the two-particle scattering matrix matches the expansion of the corresponding deformed sigma model trigonometric S-matrix. In the sigma model regime it can be shown that the leading UV asymptotic of the deformed model coincides with a perturbed Gaussian theory. We demonstrate this by studying the RG flow of deformed O(N) and N=2 supersymmetric CP(N) and other sigma models. In both cases we find the regularization scheme, in which the beta-function of these models is particularly simple, allowing to find the solution of the RG flow equation up to 4 loop order.


Dr. Mikhail Alfimov received his PhD at Ecole Normale Superieure Paris in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Vladimir Kazakov and Prof. Gregory Korchemsky. Currently he is an Associate Professor at the HSE University and Moscow Engineering-Physical Institute and a Research Fellow at the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His research is concentrated on the study of integrable quantum field theories, especially sigma models.

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