(2025-01-09) Seminar: Anton Pribytok -- Supersymmetric deformation of CPσ-model, Conformal limits and Order defects


Title: Supersymmetric deformation of CPσ-model, Conformal limits and Order defects

Speaker: Anton Pribytok

Affiliation: BIMSA (北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院)

Time: 15:30-17:00, Thursday, January 9th, 2025 (UTC+8, Beijing Time)

Venue: Room 1502, Shing-Tung Yau Center, Yifu Architecture Building, Sipailou Campus of Southeast University, Nanjing(东南大学四牌楼校区逸夫建筑馆丘成桐中心1502室)

Inviter: Yunfeng Jiang (江云峰)


We prove that the supersymmetric deformed CP σ-model (the generalization of the Fateev-Onofri-Zamolodchikov model) admits an equivalent description as a generalized Gross-Neveu model. This formalism is useful for the study of renormalization properties and particularly for calculation of the one- and two-loop -function. Remarkably we find new Nahm-type conditions, which guarantee renormalizability and supersymmetric invariance. We show that in the UV the superdeformed model flows to the super-Thirring CFT, for which we also develop a superspace approach. It is then demonstrated that the super-Thirring model is equivalent to a sigma model with the cylinder $\mathbb{R}\times S^1$ target space by an explicit computation of the correlation functions on both sides. Apart from that, we observe that the original model has another interesting conformal limit, given by the supercigar model, for which we also find a chiral dual. In addition, we investigate novel relations of our construction through mirror symmetry and dimensional reduction, which in the framework of $\sigma$-models on toric varieties maps to a class of N=2 Liouville (Landau-Ginzburg class), as well as topological theories with order defects.


Dr. Anton Pribytok is conducting his postdoctoral research in BIMSA/YMSC. He has received his PhD from Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Trinity College under supervision of M. de Leeuw and S. Frolov. His main research results and areas of focus are Superstring theory, Gauge/Gravity exact techniques, Supersymmetric Sigma Models and Topological QFTs.

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